June 6, 2011 - A mixed day

There was very good news for Jason today, after he came out of the O.R. and returned to his room. Over 75% of the skin grafts have taken and they look good. The remaining look good too, though that portion still has more healing to do. They still want to continue with the same treatment as they have been doing, for these past several weeks, so that means he still has the wound vacs on, and will probably be continuing with them for at least another week. A small error was made while he was in the recovery area (PACU), and that small error nearly cost Jason a trip back to the I.C.U. His vital signs were lower than the doctors were comfortable with. He had become dehydrated, and it took the 5th floor staff several hours to get him back up to a more comfortable level, and it was decided that he could stay on the 5th floor (this made Jason happy - me too). Jason is getting excellent care on the 5th floor, and he is getting to know the staff pretty well, so he wants to stay there until he is discharged.

Several days ago, another Marine, from the Pleasanton area, came to Bethesda for treatment, and we finally were able to make contact with the family. We had been missing each other, though I had been down to their son's room, and they had come to Jason's room. It was nice being able to speak with them, and to see that their son was making some progress. I always like to see the Marines demonstrate their resilience, and show that injuries may slow them down, but they won't stop them.

On the family front, all are feeling much better today. Medicines were prescribed and obtained, and everyone is on the mend. I suspect that by the end of the week we are all going to be as normal as we can be.

Thank you, for your continued support and for following the blog. Jason read through a big portion of it over the weekend, and he enjoys the comments the most. Please continue to pray for his recovery and for the health of the family.


  1. Have a good day tomorrow everyone! Glad to hear of the good news. If you pass on the name of the Pleasanton Marine we can add him to our prayer list.

    Go Giants!

    Karen & Rob Weaver

  2. Really a very nice blog... The information about
    Sgt Jason Ross - Marine is so useful... Thanks for this..awesome blog

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  3. I am very happy to hear about the progress made with the skin grafts and the good news about the progress of the remaining 25%. Way to go, Jason!

  4. I think the meaning of the Scottish "Ross" must be "resilience." big hug to all of you all, which I've been sending your way every day. And what else can you do but take it moment by moment. Holly


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