July 31, 2011 - I'm Baaaaack

Jason had a good day today, and he got out on his cart this morning, just like he wanted to. He cruised the hall ways, moving along at a pretty good speed. Because of the recent visit to the O.R. he was not able to get out in his chair this weekend, so it will be one of the activities he is looking to accomplish early this week, starting with Monday. Of course there is also a problem with his existing chair, it is too small for him and they will be getting another one, either Monday or Tuesday. Once his "new" chair comes in he will be more comfortable as well as be able to move around a bit more easily.

As for visitors today, MGSgt Todd came by for a short visit with Jason, and that is always a good thing. He also had a visit from Lt. Col. Tarter a short while later, and that too was a welcomed visit, since they are both from EOD, and Jason feels best talking with them, since they do seem to speak the same language. Another visitor Jason has was from the current Miss America, and she took the time to speak with Jason and then take some pictures with him. She didn't stay too long, and that was okay with Jason, as he was getting a little tired. The last visitor he had was from Corporal Bowman, one of the other Marines from the MEU. She came by later in the day and she has been by a couple of times in the past, and Jason always enjoys talking with her.

Tomorrow morning Jason will be headed to the PACU for a short visit (we hope), where they will be checking the dressings. There may be other visits, so they can be sure to monitor his healing progress better. The work that was performed at the last visit to the O.R., on Friday, is something they don't want to have to do again, so it is important that they do monitor. I'm guessing that he will be going in to the PACU about every three days, and they will be quick visits. Much better than that daily stuff he was doing.

Thank you, all for your continued support and prayers. It looks like we are going to be here for a little bit longer, though the end does seem like it is in sight.


  1. I love it when Jason has a good day! Thank you again, George, for sharing the journey with us. Stay strong and keep the faith; wonderful things are in store for our hero! Give that young man a hug for me! {{{Jason}}} and here's a hug for you, too! {{{George}}}

  2. I have shared this before.I shared it with Melissa(Jabore) I am not the author,the author is Gusto,he has a page on FB,he writes inspirational things,and as you read this,you will see that it is.

    A tree can be pruned of all its leaves and nearly all of its limbs, leaving only the bark and its roots, the only parts that really matter. Once the tree is stripped nearly bare, springs forth new LIFE, with new buds and blossoms. Its beauty becomes greater than when it was only a sapling.

    I think this is so beautiful,and it just does not apply to Jason,but also to his family.You all have a new beginning. <3

    Thoughts & prayers to you,daily.
    Shellie VanSickle

  3. Praying for you Jason and family that God will grant you strength and courage and wisdom that this experience may make you stronger and wiser and that His peace comforts you all as you navigate this trial. Thank you so much for your sacrifice for our country!


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