August 14, 2011 - Jason and Dad in Bethesda

Well, Jason had a good visit early this morning, from Mom and Dad. He was scheduled to go to the PACU first thing in the morning and Linda had to catch a plane back home, so we first went over to see Jason. I think he was a little surprised to see us there at 6:00am, and quite frankly I was too. Linda was up late, doing her last bit of packing, so she didn't get as much sleep as she would like, but when I told her it was time to get up she jumped out of bed pretty quickly. We were able to spend about an hour and a half in his room, and then followed him down to the PACU, and spent another 30+ minutest with him there. It was a very nice visit and since Mom was headed back home, to California, I think Jason thought it was probably one of the best visits he has ever had. We had to leave for the air port by a certain time, and it just so happened that the timing couldn't have been any better. Just as they were ready to start working on the wound dressing changes we were needing to get going.

When I got back to Jason's room, a few hours later, he was comfortable and reading a Stephen King novel. I was happy seeing him doing that, as that is a strong indication that he is getting tired of the television, movies and his laptop. While we were talking another visitor came by, another Wounded Warrior, from Iraq action. He is a retired Lt. Col. that goes by the handle "TBI Tim." TBI is for Traumatic Brain Injury, and Tim, was still recovering from his injuries, though it appeared to me that he was getting along very well, and walked with only a slight shift in his normal gate. It was a good visit and he said he would be back, though he didn't know when, just that he would be back and he was keeping an eye on Jason's progress. He said that when the time is right he thought he would be able to help Jason with his recovery.

Not much else going on today, as it was a stormy Sunday here (and still is). Tomorrow there will be some activity at PT, and Jason has already said he wants to get down there in the afternoon, so I need to be sure that I am available. I will be over to see him early in the day, and then probably take a short break later in the morning. Then I'll head back over by noon or so. I would like to sort of set up a schedule, or regular routine, if I can, so that we can "know" what to expect from the days. Jason was happy with this idea.

Thank you, all for your continued prayers and support, and for staying with the blog.


  1. Sounds like a better day today. Sorry Linda had to go home! Glad you can still be there with him! And yes, I'd think having a regular schedule would be a very good thing.
    Such words of comfort. Still praying!
    John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. We hardly miss a day of reading about Jason's progress and he is in our prayers every day.

  3. HI Jason and George, just popping in again to let you know to check the ML office for a flyer to see what we have planned for Thursday, hot off the grill. Hope you both can make it.

    Marine Mom


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