August 10, 2012 - It didn't happen

Well, we were able to speak with Jason tonight and found out that the surgery that was planned, didn't take place. There was a "scheduling" mix-up between plastics and urology. As a result nothing happened, and Jason basically spent the day in his room, just waiting. He is still in good spirits, just a little disappointed that he is going to have to wait another few days, before anything happens. On the other hand, it did allow us an opportunity to have a video phone call (SKYPE) between him and his girls. Everything else is going well, and he is getting a bunch of visitors. People who knew him from when he was there previously and come to see if it really is him, back from California. He is also getting is some regular PT sessions, and he seems pretty happy about that. It keeps him occupied and helps to keep him in shape.

Thank you, all for the continued support and for all the prayers, just please keep in mind the doctors who are working with Jason.


  1. Good to hear that Jason is getting visitors. I will be sure to pray for the doctors. Take care and keep the faith. Your prayer warriors are with you.

    All our best,
    Karen & Rob
    Livermore Friends

  2. I can't believe it! Can't anything go as planned there?

    I'm really feeling this hymn tonight and wanted to share the whole thing with you. Praying hard!

    1. I'm but a stranger here,
    Heav'n is my home;
    Earth is a desert dread,
    Heav'n is my home.
    Danger and sorrow stand
    Round me on every hand;
    Heav'n is my fatherland,
    Heav'n is my home.

    2. What though the tempest rage,
    Heav'n is my home;
    Short is my pilgrimage,
    Heav'n is my home;
    And time's wild wintry blast
    Soon shall be overpast;
    I shall reach home at last,
    Heav'n is my home.

    3. There at my Savior's side
    Heav'n is my home;
    I shall be glorified,
    Heav'n is my home;
    There are the good and blest,
    Those I love most and best;
    And there I, too, shall rest,
    Heav'n is my home.

    4. Therefore I murmur not,
    Heav'n is my home;
    Whate'er my earthly lot,
    Heav'n is my home;
    And I shall surely stand
    There at my Lord's right hand.
    Heav'n is my fatherland,
    Heav'n is my home.
    My email address

  3. Tell Jason We said good luck and god bless.


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