February 20, 2015

Jason got out and spent some time doing one of his favorite activities... Shooting. I've gone with him a couple of times in the past, but not today. Today I had a few other chores I needed to get done, and also I needed to pick up the girls today, after they got out of school. Anyway, Jason had fun and I can just imagine how things went.

Jason is a bit of perfectionist, when it comes to a few things, and one of those is his shooting. While others can be seen, on either side of him shooting and squeezing off shots about one ever two seconds, Jason will spend 10 seconds (even more) with each shot, just so he knows his sights are tuned in correctly. Once he is comfortable with the setting of the sights then he will begin shooting more rapidly, but the first part can take up to a half an hour, and those he shoots with are always standing back just watching him. Its funny too, because none of them are bothered by him taking the extra time, as his shots are very accurate and he is amazing to watch. The irony that today was when he was shooting his M-1. While he was using it, it went to automatic rapid fire and pretty well shocked him  at first. Fortunately, the range master was right there and checked out his rifle and was puzzled a bit afterward. There is no setting for automatic, and it shouldn't be able to do that kind of fire, so everyone was puzzled. As it turned out, Jason just put the rifle away and will be working on it tomorrow, after he takes it apart.

Tonight Linda and I took the girls over to visit with our cats, and that was kind of fun. Both of the cats are very well cared for by  their wonderful foster family; Anne, Glenn and their son, Nick.  Candy is still stand-offish and Pumpkin is as friendly as ever. We're so looking forward to the house being finished, so we can come and live with us again. I think once that happens Linda will begin to feel a little more complete.

After the visit we came home, and it was late enough that the girls went straight to bed after a story. Jason was already asleep, so we didn't bother him, and now we're making our way to bed, ourselves. Thank you, for all the continued support and prayers. Take care and stay positive.


  1. Jesus went through all this for us, that we might have hope! Praying for you as always!
    Isaiah 53:7-10: He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

  2. We have the hope of Heaven because of all Christ did. Lifting up prayer right now!
    Isaiah 53:11-12 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.


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