May 30, 2012

Today started out as a rough day for Jason, as his treatment from the laser was still very tender and he was very uncomfortable. He wanted to get in early to go talk with the Urology nurse, who was to get things ready for the treatment that the doctor had explained yesterday. The treatment probably won't be happening for another week or so, but Jason needed to get in and begin getting things ready now.

After that visit we went on over to PT to schedule some time with Dawn and Van, and also to get a June schedule established for PT, since May is coming to and end. Jason was beginning to feel very uncomfortable so he let Dawn know that he wasn't going to be able to stay for any treatment, as it wasn't going to work today. From there we were on our way to OT. There Jason did a quick session and then we went back home. It was relatively early in the day and Jason laid back down. He slept until Steve and Yolanda came by, and then actually slept a little longer. Yolanda had made some enchiladas for us and wanted to cook dinner for us tonight. As far as I was concerned, it was all good, and on top of that Yolanda is a good cook.

The girls had a bath tonight, since both of them are learning new ways of getting dirty at day care. Stacy wasn't too bad today, though Jackie seemed to have found a whole new meaning to the word, dirty. She was covered from head to toe, literally. I was half expecting them to charge me for the dirt we were taking with us. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating some here, but bottom line - she was dirty and happy. Anyway, I cleaned her up some, after she got home, and then after dinner I gave them a bath. I washed both their hair and cleaned them up, and afterward we had to shiny little girls.... ;-)

They got to say good night to everybody and then I told them a story tonight, and then they laid down and quickly went to sleep. My guess is that they were tired from all their activities. Tomorrow Jason has appointments, though I don't know if he'll be going . He has been hurting most of the day and still has a level of discomfort that is higher than regular. We'll know tomorrow. Thank you, for your continued prayers and for all the support.


  1. Lifting up prayers to the Only One who can hear!
    Psalms 34:4, 6-7 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (6-7) This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
    My email address

  2. I hate to hear that he had a day of so much discomfort. I hope tomorrow's much better!

  3. Praying for you. Never give up.

  4. Happy Birthday Jason! Hope it was a great one & that you're feeling better soon. Thank you for your service & sacrifices for our country & freedom. Much love & prayers being sent your way ♥


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