May 22, 2014

It was a busy day for us, and it began with a nice and quick 12 mile ride, at about 06:45 this morning. I was very happy that I made the ride in just under an hour and there were a number of stops due to traffic, though it wasn't too heavy. I got back to the house by about 07:40 and then had to cool down, so I could take a shower. I did find out that eating an apple a few minutes prior to the ride was exactly what I needed to have the energy to make the "loop."

Jason and I took off for the hospital, where he had an appointment and Linda took off actually a little before we did. As it turned out Jason and I were done before Linda, so she ended up meeting us at Carl's Jr. where there was a small media event going on. It was to bring some attention to the Carl's Jr. Stars for Hero's program, and for Anthony Netto's Stand Up And Play foundation. The folks at Carl's Jr. provided the food and there were a number of decorations and finally channel 10 abc News showed up. I understand it was shown on the news tonight but for whatever reason, I didn't see it. I hope somebody was able to record it so we can see it later.

After that event we rushed back to the house to change clothes a bit, and then headed over to another appointment, where there was a tapping session going on. This time it was for the Gary Sinise Foundation, or as we like to say, GSF. This time the video material won't be used because Jason is still active duty, so they basically wanted to do a little practice filming and will be saving it as an archive type video. By the time all this was done it was starting to get late, and we needed to get back to the house so Jason could shower and lay down.

When Jason showered I changed all his dressings and I am happy to say that he is looking better all the time. I still stick with my prediction of 6 to 8 weeks, but I can be hopeful that it will be sooner. Now that the van has been fixed it is soooo much better to ride in, and actually has a nice smooth ride to it. I think our next step will be to sell, or donate, the Explorer Truck, as we don't need all these vehicles, and besides space is limited where we are right now. I'll let you know what happens.

Tomorrow I plan on going for a longer bike ride, as Jason doesn't have a formation gathering in the morning. There are a couple of things we need to get done, so that we will be ready for the weekend. I am so happy that Jason is getting better and stronger because so many things are happening, so fast, it is hard to keep up with everything, but Linda is doing a great job of keeping us on track. Thank you, for all the continued support and prayers. Take care and stay positive.


  1. So glad that Jason continues to improve and thrilled that Linda's there with you!
    Praying right now!
    Psalms 139:1-3 O LORD, thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off. Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.


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