Another Day of Surgery - April 1, 2011

Today began early for Jason, as he was taken into surgery early toady. He typically goes early, as they consider him a priority, which I'm grateful for. The remaining bone in his left leg was removed, and they looked around the wound and found no other damaged/bad tissue, so they didn't have to take away any additional tissue. This was a good news moment, followed by... we need to take him in to surgery again, tomorrow, as we were not able to get him turned on the O.R. table to work on his back. Because of the support structure they are using to stabilize his pelvic area it is difficult to turn Jason over, and it takes extra time. They don't like leaving patients under anesthesia any longer than they have to, and this would have added too much time. Therefore they felt it was better for Jason to go back in for surgery again tomorrow.

This is when they will be able to tell if they were able to remove all the bad stuff that has been embedded in Jason's tissues. They are hopeful that they will find little or no bad tissue, and if that is the case they might even be able to begin some of the close up of his wounds. Jason's doctor spoke with Bridgette, Linda and I today, after she was out of the O.R. and did her best to give us a positive picture of what needs to be done, and she seemed quite positive that all was getting better, so you have to feel that things may be going in the right direction now. She also told us about a conversation she had had with Jason, where he said he was sort of glad that the leg bone was being removed. Because it was as short as it was it was actually causing him some discomfort when he leaned to his left, where on the other side (the right side) he didn't feel that same discomfort when he leaned to his right.

This has been a very difficult journey for all of us, and especially for Bridgette, as she has two little girls to take care of, while trying to provide support to Jason. This has been a difficult journey, and Jason seems to be mentally and emotionally taking it better than anyone else. He doesn't want pity, however, he does recognize that he is going to need help going forward. Please keep him and his family in your prayers, and remember the other guys as they continue to fight over in Afghanistan, and other parts of the world. Pray for a swift end to this conflict so that people can peacefully get back to their regular lives. And, thank you, for your continued support.


  1. George- Your writing this moving eloquent blog is such a gift to all of us back here worrying and wondering. It helps us all so much- and I hope it feels helpful to you too...not a history you wanted to be writing...but full of power, love and courage.

  2. This has been a learning experience for me going through this with you guys. Today I was actually mad at God. I am starting a journal. We continue to pray for acceptance for ourselves and health and strength for Jason and his family and your family George. Love, Karen & Rob

  3. George,

    I am keeping Jason and your family in my prayers! You all are such an inspiration! It was an honor to meet you and Linda last Wednesday. i look forward to seeing you all again soon and meeting Jason in person!

    Thank you for passing that hug onto Jason from Mark :) Please give my best to Linda.

    Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything.

    All my best,


  4. George

    Jason and family are in our prayers. Please give my best to your family.

    Grace and Peace
    Bryan Gower

  5. George and Linda, my prayers continue for Jason Bridgette and his daughters. And of course the both of you. I am so proud of Jason. I know there are moments that almost seem impossible to face, remember the poem "Footprints in the sand". Those are the moments that God is carring you all.

    My best to Mijo. Tell him Nina loves him and is praying for him.

  6. My prayers are with your family everyday. I read your blog daily and cry with Jason's progress and your families struggles. I am an Air Force family from Pleasanton.....and I so look forward to meeting you and your heroic family.

    GO JASON!!! So many people are with you!



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