April 26, 2011 - Another day done

It is beginning to look like progress is coming along, though it is at a price. They were able to go in and quickly do a clean out of his wounds. The down part is that they did have to remove some tissue this time, though it was more precautionary than anything else. Jason has had a continued "redness" in one area, and though the doctors did not find any infection it was felt that they needed to remove a small amount and see if they could find out why there was an obvious irritation there. Otherwise it all went as expected. After the surgery Jason had to deal with the pain again, and they decided they wanted to try acupuncture. Jason wasn't too pleased with it, but it does seem to have helped with pain control. Over the next couple of days his doctor wants to get him to start eating a bit more, and start to work his way away from what they call TPN (nutrients going directly to the blood stream).

Jason's mood was still a bit subdued when I was with him this afternoon, but then he hadn't been out of surgery too long. Later this evening he was able to relax a bit more by listening to some of his music, and even enjoying some of the CD/Books we got for him earlier. Tomorrow I'll get over to see him early in the morning, and make sure he's doing okay, then get his girls over to their day care. I think the regularity of the day care is good for the girls as well as a benefit to us. Both Stacy and Jackie seem to be very happy there, and have adjusted to that schedule very well.

Please continue to pray for Jason, and ask for strength and patience, as I know he is getting very tired of being in the I.C.U.


  1. Continued prayers for everyone. I'd be a little if-y about acupuncture too! My husband's had good luck with it so I hope Jason sees the same results. I'm glad to hear you're settling into a routine and are able to see the girls. You are always in our prayers. God Bless --Stacey

  2. Strength and patience...they will be in my prayers for Jason. And healing - always healing.

  3. Jason and his loving family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers here in Danville. We pray for your strength and patience as you climb this mountain. Jason is a hero and we are forever grateful he is recovering strongly.

    On a side note- we have hundreds of books on CDs between my mom (Jeanne Virgilo who worked with your wife) and if you want to post any specific genre he is interested in we would be happy to send them.

  4. Above post by Katie Kaplan and Curt Hildebrand- computer not cooperating!


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