April 10, 2011 - A second day without surgery

Jason had a second day today, without surgery, and I think he was pretty happy about that. Jason asked for more books to listen to, so he sent me on an errand to find some. I first looked for a library, and found one (sort of). It had the address of 2100 Monroe Avenue, Rockville, MD. Now this is all well and good, and I'm sure it is a real nice library, but my GPS doesn't "know" of a 2100 Monroe Avenue. There is a Street, and Place, but no Avenue, and therefore I couldn't enter that address. I suppose I could have written down the directions, from Google maps, but I was too tired and decided to just go to Barns and Nobel and purchased a couple of "books" and brought those back to Jason. One of them was a collection of Mark Twain's works, and he seemed pretty happy about that. The other was by Dean Koontz. Bottom line is that he has more books to listen too.

The medical team is still trying to figure out how to get Jason's digestive track working right again. So far it has been pretty slow and it gives Jason discomfort. It isn't pain (he gets that from other areas), just uncomfortable. We're hoping they figure it out soon, as we don't like to see him hurting and uncomfortable. He was a little more awake today, but because of how he was feeling, he wasn't too talkative. Even when he got a visit from Mom or David and Miriam. He did get to spend some time with Bridgette, but it was decided that bringing the girls over today probably wasn't a good idea. Tomorrow morning is another surgery, and hopefully he will feel up to visiting with the family in the afternoon. We plan to keep the number of visitors down to two or three at a time, as we don't want to crowd the room too much.

Thank you, all, again - and I suppose I will continue to say thank you, for as long as I write this blog. The amount of support we are receiving is wonderful. We really don't know what we would do if it were not for all of you wonderful people, who do all that you are doing. We are blessed with so many friends, and even from people we have not yet met and don't know. It has been said that God works in some strange ways, and I believe that is true. Please continue with the prayers and positive thoughts.


  1. Oops, that last comment was from Jill Dykes, by the way.

  2. Argh, I try to send a long comment about books on CD. Apparently it did not go through. I will send it by email instead.

  3. Hey! Have you been able to find any books-on-tape by Bill Bryson? He is hilariously funny and I think Jason would enjoy his writing/reading. I just finished listening to his most recent book, "At Home", which is a history of the world through a look at domestic life, and it was both funny and incredibly informative. Just a thought. Sending hugs and strength to you all!

  4. Take care and our prayers are with all of you
    Robyn & Steve M


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