April 2, 2011 - A milestone reached

Today Jason had another surgery, and it was the type he didn't like, where he was laid on his stomach, so they could again see the wounds from a different vantage point. On top of that he had had the breathing tube down his throat for more than 24 hours again, and that is another discomfort he had to en-dour. All of this was discomfort, and things that Jason did not like, or want to have to deal with again. However, the results that came back were quite good. Not ALL the results were good, as there was tissue that had to be removed, from his left side, and that tissue was removed because the blood flow was not adequate. However, there was no sign of infection from bacteria or fungus. This is very good news, Jason's wounds are clean!

Jason won't have to go back for another surgery until Monday, and if all is still clean they will be able to begin more aggressive wound closure, and perhaps moving back to the 5th floor. We have received a number of packages and a bunch of cards for Jason, and they are all sitting up in his room, on the 5th floor, waiting for him. I think Jason really likes the people on the 3rd floor, but is also anxious to be up on the 5th. His pink lemonade is up on the 5th floor and he talked about finally getting to drink some - again.

After the surgery today, he was pretty much out of it for most of the rest of the day. Bridgette and I were kind of playing tag team so that when one of us was with Jason, the other was with the girls. Linda, Jason's mom, had to fly back home today, to take care of some of our personal issues as well as her day care. She will be returning in a week. As it turned out, and as it should be, Bridgette was the one who got to tell Jason good night before he went to sleep. We will be visiting with him again, early in the morning, and we should have a nice day for/with him. I have been humbled so much, by the demonstration of Jason's strength, and how he is able to provide strength to others, when he is the one who has been hurt. As I said, Linda had to fly back home today, and a friend of ours, Rick Edson, was there at the air port to pick her up. He called me to make sure he was at the right place, and I happened to be standing next to Jason's bed, when he called. Jason, had no problems with talking to Rick, and even chuckled a little over something they talked about. This is right after coming out of surgery! I think Rick was moved by it too...

Thank you, all - for your continued prayers and positive thoughts, it is very much appreciated. I tell Jason about it sometimes and I think he gets a little embarrassed by all the attention. Also, I have heard from a few who ask how they can leave a comment, as it isn't quite intuitive as we would like. This is what you need to do. Scroll down to the bottom of the posts and you will see where it will state a number and then the word comments (in blue). Click on the work comments and again, scroll down to the bottom, that's where you can leave a comment. Peace and Grace to all.


  1. So glad to hear the news. Jason is so special!
    Prayers continue to be in his favor. Have a restful Sunday and enjoy your visit with Jason.
    Thanks again for keeping us informed.

  2. I am praying for the day that Jason no longer has to endure any more surgeries. It sounds like he is getting closer to that day! God bless this young Marine that has given so much for our freedom!!! Love him as if I knew him. Following his journey has been emotional for many of us, but we want to see him through this with prayers and support for all of you. Thank you George for your beautiful writings of details. You are a strong man as well, I am so happy Jason has you there and Linda also. All of Linda's child care provider friends are keeping in touch with updates throughout the State of California. Lots more prayers than you will ever know are being said for Jason, his family and all of your family. God bless you all!

  3. Dear George, Thank you for being the kind of people we all should be, that more often than not, my kids and myself comment on. We have commented on your perserverance, Correen even talks about wanting a marriage like yours, how much in love you are. That is as it should be and when times like these happen it is that love that transends to your kids and makes them feel strength. You should be proud of your accomplishments for you have made your family what it is. Jason and all of you are in my prayers daily. I have given the link to your blog to those at the office. Dr. Alvarez is keeping up with your daily news. I hope to see Linda when she is home. Love and Prayers... Judy

  4. Aw, I'm glad my dad got to talk to Jason! Things sound like they are looking up. Hugs to you all.


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