April 9, 2011 - Our Second Month at NNMC

Jason had a more restful day today, as they are getting a better hand on his pain control, AND he didn't have to deal with any surgery today. His diet is still liquid, with the change being that it doesn't have to be clear liquid. His nurse today, Pat, ordered him a chocolate milk shake. Okay, it wasn't your typical milk shake, as it was made with Ensure, but it was different, and probably the most substantial thing that Jason has been offered in several days, and quite frankly a nice surprise. The hospital kitchen had sent him some chicken broth, and Jason called it "chicken flavored salt water." So I went out and bought him some chicken stock from one of the grocery stores, and he was much happier with the taste. He is still having some difficulties with the digestive process, but it is getting better.

I spent the morning with Jason, and then called Bridgette and asked how she was doing. That's where Jason got his second surprise today. Bridgette was feeling much better, and the kids were both feeling good, so she asked me to watch them while she went to got spend a part of the afternoon with Jason. This was a big boost for Jason, and I'd like to see him get as many boosts as he can get. Bridgette went back over to see him again, early evening and he was asleep, and that is another good thing. We would really like to let him sleep as much as he can right now, as I know he hasn't gotten a lot of rest in the past.

Tomorrow Linda(Mom) comes back, along with David and Miriam, and another special surprise, Yolanda, his god-mother. We all will be spending time with Jason, and my guess is that we will be doing so in shifts, as we don't want to over whelm him with too many visitors at the same time. I suspect that tomorrow will be pretty much a carbon copy of today, until the evening - when everyone gets here, and that is a good thing, as it isn't too much of a load on Jason.

Thank you, to everyone for your continued support, thoughts and prayers. Over these next couple of weeks I believe Jason will be making a transition with his healing taking on a faster pace, so please continue to ask for strength and stamina.


  1. Prayed for Jason this afternoon as a matter of fact. Have a wonderful day tomorrow with your family and friends!!

  2. You definitely have the prayers from all of us. I am so excited to see the pictures of his ceremony on Tuesday as he receives his Purple Heart! So happy to hear that Brigette was finally able to see him and that Linda is back with more family members to see Jason. He is truly loved by everyone. Thank you for sharing him with us. God bless you all, Paula Baca

  3. So good to read all these updates as i had fallen behind for a couple days. It seems that all is going well for Jason. I know that the Lord is at work here. We continue to pray for all of you and especially for our Hero Jason!!

  4. Prayers and wishes for you all. Thinking of you often...


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