July 31, 2016
All, first, a big THANK YOU, for all the dedicated visitors/readers of this blog. I apologize for the length of time since my last entry, and am making it now. We have been quite busy with many different things, some that have kept us up later in the evening, and even today it is now after 22:30 (10:30 PM). The main point of this blog is to provide status and updates on Jason, and his progress, well, he is still doing well, though there hasn't been a great deal of progress with the healing. In fact he has developed a pressure soar that isn't going away. We'll be working with the folks at the VA to see what can be done, as well as the doctors at Balboa. The reason for working with both teams is simply because we feel that the prosthetic he now has is no longer providing the kind of support he needs, and they need to make adjustments. The doctors and medical staff at Balboa seem to have a better handle on the treatment side. Together we need them to merge talents and help g...