August 31, 2011 - Back out of the ICU
Jason started the day in the I.C.U. (a.k.a. - C.C.U.) and was on a clear liquid diet. To say the least, he wasn't a happy camper. Fortunately they changed him back over to "regular diet" before the morning was over and he sent me off to get him some REAL food. Within a couple of hours of that change he was back on the 4th floor, back in his room, where he was able to relax and eat as his heart desired. The reason he was in the I.C.U. was precautionary, and it made perfect sense to me, its just that Jason and every other patient that is fully awake, does not want to be there any longer than they absolutely have to. He got back to his room in the new bed, and had to wait until a little later in the day to have the trapeze re-installed. Actually it was quite impressive how the trapeze was put back on the bed. It comes in several pieces, with some of them bigger than others, and from my perspective it was a bit daunting. The techs came in the room with one of them obviously...