August 25, 2011 - Only 4 months until Christmas

No, there wasn't anything going on today that would, or should be connected to Christmas, its just that when I saw the "25th" it reminded me that Christmas really isn't that far away, and we've been here a long time. Linda and I arrived on March 9th and spent that evening at a Marriott hotel, and then on the 10th we were brought to Bethesda, National Naval Medical Center as we found out that Jason would soon be on his way back to the U.S. and Jason did arrive on the 11th.

When he got here we were all still pretty much in shock and doing our best to deal with how he was and his injuries. Not until a couple of weeks later did we actually start to think about how he was going to be healing up and for how long. We found that Jason had about the best doctor in the hospital, in our (and many others) opinion, and she was very willing to talk to us about small details about his wounds. When she told us that we needed to be prepared for a marathon and that his healing would be a long period, we thought maybe a few months. Linda and I even had a conversation with Dr. Malone and said she wanted to be sure he was home before Christmas, and well, now you know why I always think of Christmas, anytime the month reaches the 25th.

Anyhow, Jason had a pretty good day today, despite the challenges of the H.O. that are still bothering him. He goes into the PACU tomorrow morning for another dressing change, and they are going to attempt to make him a little more comfortable. They don't want to take him into the O.R. for the H.O. removal until this coming Tuesday, when the H.O. will be ready to be removed. They have been using some of the latest science and computer imaging to determine that Tuesday is the optimum day, and they have even developed a 3-D image of the H.O. Once that is taken care of his pain management and level should come way back down to a much more consistent, comfortable level for Jason, so for right now he and the medical staff are working very closely to keep it under control and he is anxious for Tuesday, but isn't in a rush for it to happen.

He had some visitors, friends of his that are also wounded warriors, and they came and had some pizza with Jason. It was one of those moments when I really wished I'd had my camera ready, but then also recognized that it was probably better that I did not. The taking of pictures can sometimes spoil the sense of the gathering and these guys were all having a good time and enjoying each others company. The other visitor that Jason had today was MstGnySgt Todd, who was really busy today. He works a great deal with the Wounded Warrior people and the warriors themselves, and it does it all on his own time. Jason, as well as all of the other EOD guys, really have a great friend with him.

Thank you, all for your continued prayers and support. Please keep all the doctors and other medical staff in your prayers, too, as they work on Jason and all the wounded warriors. Also, please keep the entire East Coast in mind as the weather is coming in with a hurricane, and that can get a little rough sometimes.


  1. Know that I'm still here praying!
    Psalms 62:7-8 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


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