July 4, 2012 - Happy Fourth of July!

Today being a holiday, there were no appointments, and as a plus, Jason was feeling pretty good today. When I first got up, at about 07:15, I simply went down stairs and check on how he was doing, and he said he was fine. I asked him if he needed anything, or if he wanted breakfast, and he said, "No.I'm okay." Then I told him I was off for a bike ride - still need to get in shape for that two day event coming up. BTW - I am now the number two fund raiser so far - I'm hoping to be number 1, but the guy in first place is $3K ahead of me right now. Anyway, I rode out to Cabrillo National Monument and had a great time. I was tempted to ride farther but decided to just get back to the house, since Linda was probably starting breakfast and I promised to help.

We had pancakes and eggs for breakfast, and it was very enjoyable just being able to cook without having to worry about the clock. Stacy even helped with the breakfast, and both the girls were having fun with it this morning. After breakfast, and after cleanup we didn't have too much extra to do, other than some laundry and doing some reorganizing of the supply closet. We me leaving soon I figured it would be nice to have it better organized, and easier to get things from. I showed Jason how it was now set up and he seemed happy with it. I also was able to get rid of a few things, and that helped clean it up.

Anthony Netto had invited us over to his place for a picnic/barbeque, so we went over there at about 14:30 (2:30pm), and then he introduced us to another couple there. As it turned out we joined them for dinner, and we had plenty of food to eat. The girls got to go play in the large field, as well as the playground area, both of which were right next to where we were. I think we would have stayed longer except that Jason was beginning to feel the need to get off his chair and back on his bed. To be honest, I was beginning to run out of gas at about the same time. I think I should have taken a nap...

After getting back home, Linda gave the girls a bath and got them to bed, and I came up to check my email and do the blog. Thank you, all for all the prayers and support you have been sending us, Jason has challenges still ahead, and with the help of all of you I know he will be able to make it.


  1. Glad you had a good day today! We had some beautiful weather here with only 88 degrees and no humidity, unlike the rest of the country that is suffering with heat. Thank you for your service to our country Jason and George. God Bless America!! Happy 4th of July!!

    All our best,
    Karen & Rob
    Livermore Friends


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