September 3, 2015

Linda and set a target of getting five boxes emptied and put away, each day. So far, I think we're on an average of closer to two. I'm of the opinion that if God had wanted us to get 5 boxes a day emptied he would have given me a lot more energy and time, to do it. Today, when I wasn't working or doing something else, I was working with contractors getting some work done around the house. I'm happy to say that Jason's shower looks like it will be completed tomorrow, and he'll be able to jump into the shower again. He will have been without a shower for almost three days, and that is quite long enough for all of us.

The other area being worked on is the network, wi-fi, and assorted digital items that are being used at this house. The network is functioning much better now and they installed a Blue-Ray player on Linda's and my side of the house. The technicians wanted to take some time to go over the operations of all of what they have done, but there wasn't time, so we will be going over it, tomorrow, and Jason will be a part of that conversation. The reason there was time today was because tonight was back-to-school night, and we took the girls to their school, where we got a chance to meet up with the teachers. They also served a taco dinner, for $5.00 each, so it didn't cost too much, and there was plenty of food. It was a good opportunity to meet the teachers and to hear what they had to say about their teaching styles. So far, the girls really like their teachers, and their new school. It is rated as one of the better schools, so we're very happy about that, as well.

I managed to get some traction with the wi-fi and my desk side computer, and some things are working better, but it is still not working like I want it. I am again, blogging on my laptop, and I will find some time to work on the desk system tomorrow... maybe right after I finish unpacking boxes with Linda ... ;-)

It feels like it has been a productive day, and along the way I must have done something, because I am feeling pretty tired right now. Thank you, for all the continued support and prayers. Take care and stay positive.


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