Decmber 15, 2011

I got back from Los Angeles this afternoon, and it was JUST afternoon (12:03) when I got back on base. Jason was back from his OT and PT workouts, and I'm guessing that it was a combination of working real hard and not getting the sleep he wants at night. I spoke with the nursing staff and asked them to get him back on sleep hygiene again, and she said she would contact the doctor. There is no reason for them to keep waking him up. All his vitals have been steady, and normal for him. I'll find out in the morning if he slept through the night.

I was able to bring back his banjo, so I'll get him to start playing with it, over the next couple of days. All he really needs to do at this point is to practice some of the strumming, and learning the cords. When he was doing it before he could get some of the cords and attempted the strumming, but now that his hand is finally showing signs of muscles growth, perhaps he will be able to really play it better. He was really happy to hear that I brought it with me so stay tuned for the latest updates on banjo music.

Strange how things are going right now, as the ward seems to be getting a little busier right now, and yet I have heard that some of the people were going to be going on leave, mostly because of Christmas. I don't mind if they go out on leave, as long as they have the right number of staff available to support everyone. I don't want to see over worked nurses and corpsman.

I'll be headed over to the new house tomorrow, and I am supposed to receive Jason's new bed. I was told it was to be delivered on Friday, a few days ago, so I am going to assume (I know - dangerous) that it is still going to be delivered. It will also give me a chance to see what, if any, work has been done on the place. Seems like there is supposed to be more work being done, but we hear about it through the grape vine, rather than official channels. I can't help but wonder if some of the suggested work is just slightly embellished. We'll see I guess.

Jason had a couple of visitors today, again it was from a group that works to provide "Christmas for the Patients" and one of them even pretends to be Santa. The Santa guy has a natural beard, though he is dressed in camouflage gear, including the hat, though it has the white fuzzy trim. It was very nice and they were all former active duty Marines, just wanting to bring a good cheer to the guys. I was supposed to be sending them a couple of photos, so I'll need to get that accomplished tomorrow.

Not much else going on, and the main thing we're waiting on is the move to the house. Tomorrow is a dressing change and shower for Jason, and we'll probably get that done after his workout with PT/OT. Thank you, all, for all the prayers and for all the support you've sent our way.


  1. Guess Jason will move in next week? Praying for this to happen. I hope he gets some nice long sleep. His mom needs some too. Can't wait to read the blog when all the furniture is in and the family is sitting around the Christmas tree with the sound of ZZZZZZ's throughout the house.

    Merry Christmas


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